Educational materials

As part of Project result 4, project partners developed educational materials that support partnership in accomplishing the main project objective – to deliver an innovative and transferable training program in AI for non-tech C-level managers and those who will become ones.

Educational materials represent applicable business cases that showcase practical adoption of AI in particular industries that will lead students to an understanding of the theoretical aspects aiming towards an understanding of AI technology and its potential for bringing innovations and improvements to everyday business environment. Educational materials are developed for adoption during classes with MBA students and MA business students.

As a final result, 9 complete educational modules are developed, each module representing one business case and covering 20 school hours. In this way, educational modules represent ready-to-use, open-access educational materials that will provide both professors and students with all materials necessary for the successful implementation of the teaching/learning process – the following types of educational materials are developed under each module:

  • teaching scenarios – provide professors/lecturers with detailed information about lessons’ progression, students’ assignments and their duration, and provides guidelines for their implementation, as well as valuable comments
  • teaching materials – aimed to be used by the professors/lecturers in order to enhance the teaching process and to facilitate modules’ implementation
  • learning materials – aimed to be used by students in order to enrich the learning process and make the classes more practical and project-oriented

Educational materials are prepared as “off the shelf” materials that could be used to create new or improve existing study programs in higher education or in adult training. As part of the AI4PPP project, 9 complete educational modules are developed, as follows:

Future of delivery
Traveler experience
Future of services in hospitality
Career path management
Future of drivers in autonomous vehicles
Future of services in human resources
Mechanics and dynamics of a smart city
Supply chain management in manufacturing
Future of services in healthcare